Welcome to the jungle

Hello, I’m Lianne! Welcome to my advice on plant care to friends and family and anyone else who’s getting started with houseplants.

Though I’m no botany expert, I’m love sharing my experience to help others also find the joy of houseplants.

Planty updates

Here are my latest posts over on Instagram @SouthseaJungle:

Advice from me

Some of my recent posts with plant advice:

  • 3 mistakes that lead to houseplant burnout
    Feeling overwhelmed by a hobby seems to be more common than I thought – and collecting houseplants is no exception. Here’s what I wish I’d known when setting out on my plant journey.
  • Post winter tidying session
    As the weather warms up its a good time for a spring clean.
  • Soil mixes
    Choosing the right soil for your houseplant can seem daunting, but there are some simple rules to follow